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Vecchio 01-04-12, 18:30   #1
L'avatar di theboss88
Data Registrazione: Jun 2009
Località: Milano
Messaggi: 2,072
Predefinito mass effect 3 lista poteri

cari ragazzi e compagni di avventure infinite su mass effect 3...

vi faccio un copia e incolla di una discussione in "INGLESE" che per me è arabo...con la spiegazione di tutte le esplosioni, combo ecc ecc che è possibile fare con mass effect 3.

siete pregati di tradurre tutto senza google perchè si sa...che il translate fa veramente CACARE!!!

saw a thread earlier, where someone was asking about different power combos. And since I have some free time on my hands, I decided to make a list of these with some explanation, so people can understand these combo mechanics a little better.

We all know the drill, cast a biotic power on an enemy, and once an enemy is affected by it, finish it off with another biotic power for a damaging AoE explosion.

-Not all biotic powers are compatible with each other (E.G. Singularity --> Pull will not cause a biotic combo).
-Stasis is unique, because it can bypass defenses (such as shields and barriers), and enemies can be detonated while their defenses are still present. It is, however, completely ineffective vs. armored targets such as Atlas mechs and Turrets.
-Warp & Reave are unique because they can either set up or set off biotic combos. They can also set up combos on enemies with defenses (shields/barriers), so they function similar to Stasis in this regard. And they are the only two biotic powers in the game, able to set up combos on armored targets, such as Turrets and Atlas mechs.
-Lift Grenade is able to set up biotic combos on unprotected non-armored targets (targets with health bar only). It is also able to detonate biotic combos.

List of biotic combos below.

-Sigularity --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Reave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Lift Grenade

-Stasis --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Reave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Lift Grenade

-Pull --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Reave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Lift Grenade

-Warp --> Throw/Shockwave/Reave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Lift Grenade

-Lift Grenade --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Reave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/

-Shockwave (only with Rank 6 Lifting Shockwave evolution) --> Warp/Throw/Reave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Lift Grenade

-Reave - Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Lift Grenade

There are also some new combos in ME3, that involve Tech or Combat elemental based powers. It's the same principal as with biotic combos, but they function in a slightly different manner.

-Can be set up by: Incinerate, Carnage, Inferno Grenade, Incendiary Ammo
-Can be detonated with any Biotic/Tech/Combat powers that can deal direct damage (except for the powers that are used to set up the combo).
-Effect: Enemies effected by any of the fire based powers, cause an AoE fire explosion, once they are killed by a direct damage power. The effect is similar to blowing up Pyros with Overload in ME2.
-Note: Enemy MUST be killed by the second power, in order to cause a Fire Explosion. E.G. it will not work, if an enemy is hit by Incinerate --> Overload, and still has HP left after that. So, in this case, Overload would have to do sufficient damage to outright kill a burning enemy, in order to cause a Fire Explosion.

-Can be set up by: Cryo Blast, Cryo Ammo
-Can be detonated with any Biotic/Tech/Combat powers that can deal direct damage.
-Effect: Frozen enemies killed by damage based powers, cause an AoE cryo explosion, freezing any enemy that is nearby.
-Note: Same as Fire Exlplosion, frozen enemies MUST be killed by the second power in order to trigger Cryo Explosion.

-Can be set up by: Overload, Energy Drain, Sabotage, Disruptor Ammo
-Can be detonated by any Biotic/Tech/Combat powers taht can deal direct damage (except for the powers that are used to set up the combo).
-Effect: Enemies effected by electricity based powers, discharge multiple electricity bolts to nearby enemies, when hit with direct damage powers. Effect is similar to Overload's Chain Overload upgrade.
-Note: Unlike Fire & Cryo Explosion combos, this one doesn't require an enemy to be killed by the second power. E.G. enemy hit by Overload --> Incinerate will produce a Tech Burst, whether he is killed by Incinerate or not.

Direct damage powers (aka the powers able to set off tech combos)

Biotic: Warp, Shockwave, Throw, Reave, Biotic Charge, Nova, Cluster Grenade, Lift Grenade

Tech: Incinerate, Overload, Enegry Drain

Combat: Concussive Shot, Carnage, Proximity Mine, Frag Grenade, Sticky Grenade

I hope this explains the combo mechanics to everyone not so familiar with them, and I hope you will be able to put them to good use.smilie
If I have by any chance missed anything, be sure to let me know, and I will include it in the OP.
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