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Vecchio 27-04-10, 14:13   #1
Data Registrazione: Sep 2009
Messaggi: 2,330
Predefinito Server EXA 2

Name =ExA= "I link sono visualizzabili solo per gli utenti registrati." Registrati cliccando QUI.
slot 24

---------- Post added at 11:13 ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 ----------

comandi in-game per gli admin


/!b [player name] [Reason]
/!bp [player name] [Reason]
- This is a permanent ban for player name, it will recieve the reason on his screen.

/!br [player name] [Reason]
- This is a ban for 1 round for player name, it will recieve the reason on his screen.

/!bt [Time] [player name] [Reason]
- This is a ban for X minutes for player name, it will recieve the reason on his screen.


/!k [player name] [Reason]
- player name is kicked from server, it will recieve the reason on his screen.


/!y [Message]
/!ya [Message]
- A message that will show up big on all players screens.

/!yt [TeamId] [Message]
- A message that will show up big on the screens of all players from 1 team.

/!ys [TeamId] [SquadId] [Message]
- A message that will show up big on the screens of all players from 1 squads.

/!yp [player name] [Message]
- A message that will show up big on one players screens.


/!s [Message]
/!sa [Message]
- A chat message that will show up on all players screens.

/!st [TeamId] [Message]
- A chat message that will show up on the screens of all players from 1 team.

/!ss [TeamId] [SquadId] [Message]
- A chat message that will show up on the screens of all players from 1 squad.

/!sp [player name] [Message]
- A chat message that will show up on one players screens.

Restart map:

- Restart map

Next Map:

- Server goes to next map, not next round
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