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Vecchio 30-10-14, 21:30   #1
L'avatar di d0x
Data Registrazione: Oct 2014
Località: Mysłowice ( POLAND )
Messaggi: 9
Post [ITA] reclutamento /[ENG] recruitment

Name: Gregory
Nick in game:ld0xl
Age: 22
Source:Myslowice (POLAND)

Games played: BF 4, League of Legends, BF3 and various F2P like WarRock, Combat Arms, and FIFA.
I'm new, too met this clan through friends that played, wrote and performed by ExAeuqo POLAND and Clan EXA I have to say that I would like Grac with you, so I would like to meet new people..

I only play 4Fun, versus and do not know if I could join to clans and meet new people
because no other clan does not want me because I am deaf


by: d0x
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