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Vecchio 15-05-10, 21:45   #1
L'avatar di Bisto
Data Registrazione: Jun 2009
Messaggi: 1,000
Predefinito [BFBC2]Importanti novità per le cw

Con la prossima versione dell'Rcon Wolfcon dovrebbe essere implementata la possibilità di limitare classi ed armi, oltre a limitare i camper ed altre cosucce interessanti.
Stay tuned

I have offically started working on Wolfcon 1.2

Major feature additions are:

Major GUI structural overhaul - to tidy everything up and make things look nice.

BattleMap Overlay - Display what is happening on the server map live! Where the teams are on the map, also locations of kills, deaths spawns etc.

Class/weapon limiter - You could choose to limit the number of different classes / weapons

New kill streak messages with weapon dependency. (e.g. 10 knife kills)

Kill bubble - Specify a bubble the other team can not get in to prevent spawn killing.

No Camping Rule - Prevent camping snipers

Other features: Infantry only, full swearing, Player status, ticket/bleeding control.

"I link sono visualizzabili solo per gli utenti registrati." Registrati cliccando QUI.

Ultima modifica di Bisto; 15-05-10 alle 22:38
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