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Vecchio 20-03-10, 12:44   #21
L'avatar di QuartoColono
Data Registrazione: Jun 2009
Località: Pianeta Terra... a volte anche no
Messaggi: 1,147
Arrow Grimes coop pack

Alcune altre missioni, sono tutte no ACE...
-co5 - In The Dark
Full briefing included in mission. Small night time stealth mission on Utes with multiple combat objectives.
-co9 - Wake Up Call
As the sun is rising you are to move from your beach insertion on a small enemy occupied island south east of Chernarus to a marked enemy encampment and eliminate it.
-co10 - Fire For Effect
Full briefing included in mission. Move as a group through the city and eliminate all enemies. Follow Command's instructions to complete a fun "fire works" show at the end of the mission. Why spill the enemies blood when you can evaporate it?
-co10 - High Altitude Low Opening
Full briefing included in mission. Though long, this mission will challenge your team to stick together and fight effectively and efficiently through infantry, armor, and the twists of modern warfare.
-co10 - Out With A Bang
Full briefing included in mission. A quick mission that requires your team to clear a medium sized town northwest of Berezino named Khelm and then designate artillery for a nearby battery.
-co15 - Day's End
Full briefing included in mission. In this mission you have only a few air assets and infantry going up against tanks and vast numbers of enemy infantry. Your team will be stretched to it's limits while trying to complete the final objective. Only thing is, things never work out the way you want them to.
-co20 - Operation: Land Serpent
Full briefing included in mission. A very basic but large scale mission, Land Serpent will keep you on your toes and moving. The flexibility of the mission allows a human mission Commander to call the shots up top.
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