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10-01-14, 22:12
Forse finalmente qualcosa alla Infinity Ward muove, presto sara' disponibile un "eSports updates" in cui e previsto anche, alcuni miglioramenti e ri-soluzioni ( !? ) di alcuni bug .

"Here’s the update from Infinity Ward’s Senior Community Manager, Tina Palacios:"

These will appear as both hot fixes and TUs in the coming weeks alongside planned changes to the areas of Ghosts affecting all players, such as spawns.
As a guiding principle, development priority is assigned to those issues which we deem to have the largest immediate
impact or those affecting the broadest group of players.

Regarding eSports specifically in the immediate future, we aim to:

Restrict Ghillie suits in competitive rules.
Restrict Tracker Sights in competitive rules.
Restrict Danger Close in competitive rules.
Disable third-person spectating in competitive Private Matches.
Add a kill feed to Broadcaster mode.
Address Broadcaster mode stability (squash crash bugs).

Additionally, we’re committed to delivering the below (in no particular order):

Removal of split-screen in Private match when eSports rules are enabled.
Add eSports rules to Clan vs. Clan playlist.
Open Clan v Clan playlist to allow solo player entry & mixed clan teams.
Modify Dead Silence/Amplify functionality.

Resolve the defuse timer animation discrepancy.
Modify the defuse time sound effects if the defuse process is cancelled.

Broadcaster Mode:
Add game action overlays where needed (flag captures, etc.).
Resolve the leaderboard’s red death indicator delay.
Roll over player in scoreboard to highlight arrow in mini-map.

New Platform:
Investigating the addition of Xbox One LAN support.

on January 9, 2014

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PS: scusate ma non traduco bene !!:o

12-01-14, 21:17
... Sperem! :-/

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