Visualizza Versione Completa : Clan War MOH:WF

03-01-13, 18:32
:D:D:D Hello. I played in your server (MOH: WF) and i liked your fair play. So i come here to ask if wanna set up one Clan War between our teams.

Combat mission 6x6
Normal mode
NO KillCam
2 maps (Defend and attack)

Nothing to win except a few good hours of fun between our teams.....

Thx, i'll wait for your reply to me.

:arrow: By the way, wich games your Multigaming play more?


04-01-13, 13:17
Welcome in our forum Negorath, we'll be glad to play a cw with you.

You can contact me by origin (ares_it) for details .

EX AEQUO play other games: BF3, Black Ops2, world of tanks, LoL



07-01-13, 01:37
Hi.... I already talk with my squad members and we agree to make the CW on this Wednesday ( 9-01-2013) at 22h00 (Paris hour).

I already try to contact you in the Origin, but is very dificult to see you online.

reply me to see if the hour is ok for your members.