Visualizza Versione Completa : MW3 Reculutamento

06-08-12, 00:05
Hi all.My name is Oğuzhan.I'm from Turkey.I'm 17 years old.I started MW3 since start of 2012.I dont want say prestige or level.Pubilc unnecessary.I use ACR MSR UMP45 AND MP5 usually.
steam: oqzhn
msn: mumy_ozi@hotmail.com
teamspeak: I joined your team channel yesterday :D

06-08-12, 02:10
Hi dear, sorry but We recruit Only italian player!! :( see ya

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06-08-12, 03:07
But someone(exa members) said open topic ın forum :(

06-08-12, 13:46
lol i dont know...sorry but the nationality Its a important rule of clan!!

"sry for my english" :D

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