Visualizza Versione Completa : BF3 Comportamento accessori dp la patch

03-04-12, 11:33
DICE’s Alan Kertz took to Reddit the other day to share his thoughts on the current Battlefield 3 weapon accessories and what he feels needs to be tweaked.He asked for community feedback on specific accessories such as the suppressor, heavy barrel, foregrip, etc. Here are some of his thoughts:

•Foregrip: plans on adjusting the foregrip on a per-weapon basis, adding 34% reduction in horizontal recoil, based on the gun, and -20% “penalty to base accuracy when aimed”.

•Bipod: a buff for the bipod is likely, since it has to be set up in order to receive the benefits (less recoil, less bullet spread)

•Suppressor: added -50% “penalty to base accuracy from the hip”, +25% bonus to base accuracy when aimed and +10% reduced vertical recoil. Overall, Kertz points out that the suppressor will receive a minor nerf.

•Heavy Barrel: increased max range (damage stays the same), +50% bonus to base accuracy when aimed, -25% penalty to base accuracy from the hip. Overall, the heavy barrel will have less recoil than currently.

•Flash suppressor: Kertz points out that the flash suppressor is “underwhelming” and as a result, it’ll will receive +20% reduced vertical recoil, while getting a -20% penalty to base accuracy from the hip.

Kertz mentioned that these changes aren’t finalized nor does is he promising that they’ll go live. They’re meant to get feedback and start a discussion.

see the possible combinations:

1] heavy barrel + foregrip = 34% reduction in horizontal recoil, 30% bonus to base accuracy when aimed,-25% penalty to base accuracy from the hip + vertical recoil from heavy barrel

2] heavy barrel + no foregrip = 0% reduction in horizontal recoil, 50% bonus accuracy when aimed, -25% penalty to base accuracy from the hip + vertical recoil from heavy barrel

3] flash suppressor + foregrip = 34% reduction in horizontal recoil, +20% reduced vertical recoil, -20% penalty to base accuracy from the hip, -20% penalty to base accuracy when aimed

4] flash suppressor + no foregrip = 0% reduction in horizontal recoil, 0% reduction accuracy when aimed, +20% reduced vertical recoil, -20% penalty to base accuracy from the hip

5] suppressor + foregrip = +34% reduction in horizontal recoil, 5% bonus to base accuracy when aimed, -50% penalty to base accuracy from the hip, +10% reduced vertical recoil

6] suppressor + no foregrip = 0% reduced in horizontal recoil, +25% bonus to base accuracy when aimed, +10% reduced vertical recoil, -50% penalty to base accuracy from the hip

7] foregrip + no accessory = 34% reduced in horizontal recoil, -20% penalty to base accuracy when aimed, 0% reduced vertical recoil, 0% penalty to base accuracy from the hip

8] no foregrip + no accessory = 0% reduced in horizontal recoil, 0% penalty to base accuracy when aimed, 0% reduced vertical recoil, 0% penalty to base accuracy when aimed, 0% penalty to base accuracy from hip

questi numeri non sono sicuri al 100%

03-04-12, 11:55
sarebbe bello avere dei numeri sul "prima"...
comunque fondamentalmente mi pare di capire :
canna pesante sul lungo , con o senza impugnatura diventa soggettivo
silenziatore utilizzabile sul corto con impugnatura

giusto ?

03-04-12, 11:58
sarebbe bello avere dei numeri sul "prima"...
comunque fondamentalmente mi pare di capire :
canna pesante sul lungo , con o senza impugnatura diventa soggettivo
silenziatore utilizzabile sul corto con impugnatura

giusto ?

a mio avviso fa schifo pure sul corto perchč se nn miri, quindi scontro 1vs1 da vicino, perdi il 50% di precisione

03-04-12, 13:04
arma liscia con laser

03-04-12, 13:25
arma liscia con laser

nah, lascia+ heavy barrel

03-04-12, 13:53
io ho la stessa personalizzazione di sempre e so tornato a giocā decentemente

03-04-12, 14:21
bo ora mi sembra di trovarmi bene con canna e impugnatura...senza ha troppo rinculo orizzontale

03-04-12, 15:24
bo ora mi sembra di trovarmi bene con canna e impugnatura...senza ha troppo rinculo orizzontale

se spari a raffiche nn troppo veloci, di 4 colpi, il rinculo orizzontale dell'm16 č quasi inesistente, per questo trovo inutile il foregrip

discorso diverso l'aek che sto testando

---------- Post added at 12:24 ---------- Previous post was at 11:31 ----------

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04-04-12, 02:58
ho sempre usato foregrip e canna pesante e mi sono trovato bene anzi adesso con patch scontro ravvicinato vinco avvolte lo scontro ;)